Illustration du satellite Jason 3
Logo SatConseil

Our mission :

Support your development, de-risk your programs and manage your projects by providing you with the added value of our assets: strategic vision, management, expertise and network.

Toulouse vue par le satellite Pléiades
We are located in Toulouse, the European capital of Space, at the heart of the ecosystem and we operates at an international level.

Our services

Support in the development of your activity and your projects

SatConseil supports you in the development and transformation of your organizations, based on our experience in the legacy space and the NewSpace sectors.

Our values

Trust and commitment to our clients

Our service offer is based on a system of values specific to our history and beliefs. These are centered on trust and commitment.

Illustration du programme Ceres
Module Charge Utile Argos-4

About us

over 35 years of experience in the space industry

Expertise in R & D projects, telecom payloads and satellites, space applications or the management of telecommunications, data collection or search and rescue programs.
